Wednesday 4 September 2013

Bending the Rules to Increase Brand Impact

How do you get your brand noticed amongst so much competition? How can you insure your business isn’t camouflaged within the fast pace of advertising?     

There is no definite answer to these types of questions in this ever changing industry. However, I have come across an idea whilst reading an article I found in the Guardian titled ‘How Leading Brands Can Make and Break the Rules to Increase Impact’ (article link-

This article explains how going against the grain with ‘traditional’ advertising ideas can create more impact and recognition for your company. Being a company that stands out means providing something your competitors can’t or as of yet, haven’t.

The article mentioned Vodafone’s campaign by Grey London as an example of how to ‘break the mould’. In this campaign Vodafone uses the common fear of not having signal on your phone, which results in missing important calls, text messages or the ability to contact people as and when you wish. Vodafone’s ad shows a woman ignoring her currently vibrating phone whilst lying on a pier in the middle of nowhere. At the end of the advert ‘You have to be able to receive a call to ignore one” comes on screen. This is clever as it goes completely against your typical mobile advert of someone using their mobile phone successfully whilst in a remote place, making them memorable by standing out from the others.

 “Vodafone chose to contradict the conventions of the telecommunications industry; a brave decision but one that has arguably paid off from the positive commentary that has ensued; a decision so successful because it is informed by a genuine and familiar human insight. We don't want to be at the mercy of our phones. We want to be completely in control of them, secure that they will work no matter what and therefore luxuriously free in our choices of whether to take a call or not.”

With all brand engagement a connection to the current and targeted consumer is essential. In order to sell or promote your product you need to show your customers their need for it. Once you have achieved this, you will be able to break the rules successfully without damaging your brand.

Also mentioned in the article was Dove’s campaign for natural beauty, launched in 2004. Before then traditional beauty campaigns would be of flawless, airbrushed and slender females. Assuming that was the only way to sell beauty products.

 “A YouTube ad spot called Evolution showed how beauty advertising distorts our concepts of beauty. It was downloaded nearly 3m times in 10 days. The most recent initiatives in the campaign, Real Beauty Sketches and Camera Shy inspire women to realise and celebrate their genuine beauty inside and out.”

Brands must be willing to take a risk if they want to go against ‘normal’ advertising. Committing to this change means thinking big and being willing to try something new. With so much competition out there, following the rules is not always going to be enough. Before trying this tactic, brands need to really know their consumers. Find out what it is exactly that they want. Then show it to them in a way they will understand, on a very human and down to earth level. It will not be certain that your consumers will love or hate your new rules, just make sure that your campaign aims to leave a positive message from your brand.

“Breaking the rules requires a leap of faith and an obsession with your ultimate objective, beyond profit. You can't completely control what consumers will think of the rules you break and the new ones you make, but by understanding what they fundamentally believe, and playing it back to them in a clear, intelligent, humorous or sensitive way you stand every chance of capturing their hearts and minds, leading them in a new direction.”

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